11 October 2017

7 Infallible Car Tips From Grandma

We’re here to tell you that you should listen to your grandma more often. Especially if you’re looking for low budget hacks to clean your car.

Here are a few tricks that are guaranteed to work!


Clean headlights

Use toothpaste to clean and shine your headlights. Simply apply toothpaste and scrub it with a sponge. Also, test the toothpaste on small scratches on your car. There is a good chance that it will be enough to make them disappear.

Small scratches

Apply a little nail polish of the same color as your bodywork to make the scratches disappear.

Source: The Auto Channel

Your pet peed in your car

Your adorable cat/dog thought it would be a good idea to confuse your car for a bathroom? No worries. Mix baking soda with white vinegar and brush the area. Repeat as many times as necessary and rinse.


The evening before, rub your windows with a potato cut in half. Let us know the results!

Get crafty with your windshield washer fluid

To effectively degrease your windshield, pour 5cl of lemon juice into a liter of water. Then add 10cl of white vinegar to protect from the frost.

Is your lock frozen?

Do you have trouble putting your key in and opening the door during winter? Put anti-bacterial gel for hands on your key. Problem solved!

Source: United Locksmith

Stuck in mud/snow?

Is your car stuck in mud/snow? Put your floor mats under the wheels so that they roll on it and no longer on the mud/snow. It should do the job!

Source: heatedmats